Jun 22 Jun 22 Administrative Sandwich Theory David Knuffke education, personal, teaching Sometimes you have to take a bite…
Jun 2 Jun 2 Where I'm Working Next David Knuffke education, Expatriation, personal, science education, teaching, singapore, technology, video
May 24 May 24 The Privilege of the Reset Button David Knuffke personal, family, culture, Expatriation Some thoughts on how easy it is to move to Singapore, and what that means about me.
May 18 May 18 I was on a Podcast David Knuffke culture, education, personal, podcast, teaching My recent appearance on the “Not without Nuance” podcast.
Apr 20 Apr 20 Why do Teachers Quit? David Knuffke education, teaching, personal Unfounded hypothesizing about why teachers quit teaching and possible ways to learn more about the phenomenon.