Adventures in Chromebooks
I was lucky to be able to request and fund 12 Chromebooks for my AP Biology class through They arrived two weeks ago, and were deployed to my room last week. This is the first week that we have had them to use, and I've spent the past few days getting the class accustomed to the process. Outside of some of the obvious activities (overview of using them, tour of the chrome web store, using our course forum, etc.), I also developed this idea for a collaborative group review sheet to help students get used to working in a collaborative platform:
This is all moving toward my overall course documentation project, which will take our class blog and use it to publicly record daily records of what is going on in the class. I've sketched out what that is going to involve for the students here:
Of course, none of this would be possible, if I didn't have a 1:1 computing environment, and a small enough group this year to be able to stretch my legs and not get too worried about the time I'm spending testing what works and what doesn't. You'll never hear me complain about my job.