
A Similar Sense of Propriety

One of the banes of being regarded as somewhat of a techie in my working and personal life, is that I get to field an unceasing series of questions from friends, family and colleagues that could just as easily be answered with a trip to the google machine and a well-phrased query.  

In fact, this issue is so obvious to me that I created an entire final project for a recently completed Master’s degree to help teach people how to search for themselves.

Apparently, I am not the only one dealing with such issues.  The link above, takes you to the output of “Let me google that for you”, a website that seems to exist solely to create snarky, browser-based movies of just how the less techno-savvy individual(s) you are dealing with could answer their question(s) on their own if they went over to the most popular website in the world, instead of asking someone like me to do it for them.

Fantastic stuff.  Anyone want to take a bet on which of this year’s classes will be the first to receive a link to one of these educational films?